Spring is the detox time

Well, I’m still in Poland and because  of that I decided to prepare my body for spring and summer. Two weeks ago I started vegetable and fruit detox. You can check out how it looks like here: Dabrowska’s diet.

It’s my fifth time and to be honest I thought I know everything about this kind of detox. Well, I found out, I don’t. Usually I was on diet two weeks, last time two and half. It seemed to be enough. But my two last times were pretty taff without visible results. Yeah, I was frustrated afterwards and decided that I won’t do that anymore. I was also wondering that maybe almost zero results was caused because quality of vegs and fruits in England, which is really low (3rd detox) or I shouldn’t be in travel (4th detox, I was in Crete). I think it’s easy to find many of reasons.

However I had quite bad period last times what includes bad eating behaviours as well and I needed kinda reset, springboard for that. So I started again and planned to be on diet 2 weeks, then somebody profoundly pointed out that if I want to do it correctly I should presevere with it as long as I can, max 6 weeks in total. Here I am. Almost in the middle of detox, 2 weeks behind me, 3 weeks left. I’m not sure I’ll be able to do 6 weeks. It’s a challenge in psychic way.

What’s the detox about?

As you can read at the link hereinbefore that diet heals and treats the body. The only thing I must do is eating fruits and vegs from the list. Firstly they have low glycemic index, secondly it’s forbidden to eat anything beyond the list. So no fats, no grains, seeds, nuts, flour, etc. 2 weeks perspective looks quite easy and possible, 5 weeks looks like diet’s K2 peak to  me.

Well, I’ll try to survive and as often as I can I’ll let you know how it goes.

If anyone has quastion about that detox just email me.

In few days I’ll try to prepare some recipes for you 😉

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