What to eat on detox | episode #3

Here I am! The last day of my 5 weeks cleansing trip. It was long journey. Before I couldn’t imagine that I would survive 5 weeks on that diet. As I mentioned on previous posts, I used to be 2 weeks on detox, never longer like this time. That is why if you want to … More What to eat on detox | episode #3

What to eat on detox

Detox I’m doing now is quite particular. As I write before I can eat just vegs and some fruits from the list. Vegs: Root vegs: celeriac, parsnip, carrot, beet Onion, garlic, spring onion Gabage, Chinese leaves, lettuce (lot of kinds) Celery, radish, cucumber, sweet/chilli pepper, ginger, tomato, pumpkin, butternut squash Spinach, kale, chard, Parsley, dill, … More What to eat on detox